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Come as you are

Sex – Homo Sexuality – Spirituality

Serving & Sharing

The most important thing is that everyone should know that the concept of sex should not be magnified and should not be given over attention. Sex is a biological need of the body like hunger and thirst.

 It is a biological issue at physical level because, whenever we take food, a part of it is supplied to the reproductive system, by which, it gives signals in the form of sexual desire for the growth of human race on this planet Earth. God created it for this reason, so that the souls come down to the earth through the bodies created by sexual union. Therefore, sex is a factor involved in the divine mission, which functions in a circular way by bringing down the souls to the earth and taking these souls away from the earth.

Lates News

Serving & Sharing

26 February, 2020

Relation between Priests, Lord and YOU

The devotion or love to the God involves both sides that is, your love on God and God’s love on you. The second love comes only when there is first love.

20 February, 2020

Human Love (vs) Fatherly Love of God

The Supreme Lord (God) is the father of all the souls. Your love on another human being is only brotherly love and is conditional.

15 February, 2020

OSHO’s famous first letter in 1963

I am for those who need me – nothing in my life is for myself. Weep so much that only the tears remain, not you.

6 February, 2020

How to generate Positive Karma for yourself, 3 types & effects

Karma is the act, work or deed that affects our future life and also, our life in the next birth. There are three types of Karma : Sanchita, Prarabdha, Aagami.

2 February, 2020

The Secret of how to become GOD, YOU CAN ?

You can become God and can become even the master of God provide you follow 1 condition.
That condition is that you should never think that you are God. Take this case of lord Hanuman.
He became God and attain even the power of creation of world.

1 February, 2020

Significance of Early Morning Worship or Meditation

It has now become the worst nightmare and even worser than HIV AIDS.

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